Types of Reports

Friendships International Country & Region Development Reports


Friendships International produces two types of development reports: Region Reports and Country Reports.

Region Reports address large portions of the globe, comprising numerous countries or territories.  Common examples of regions used include: North America, Central America, South America, Oceania, Africa, Middle East, Asia, East Asia, Western Europe, and Eastern Europe.

Country Reports are more localized geographically, have more specific information categories, and offer more detail.

Region Reports and Country Reports are divided into four particular genres: Overview Reports, Depth Reports, Analysis Reports, and Security Reports.  Below is a brief explanation of each.

General Reports

General Reports are comprehensive and credible syntheses of publically available information on individual countries and regions.  Relevant data is consolidated, structured, and presented in a common FI format, and is useful to individuals and organizations for varieties of purposes.  General Reports are available to the public free of charge.  The reports located on individual country and region websites under the Development menu.  Feel free to contact us with questions or interest in joining our research team.

Depth Reports

Depth reports follow the general format of the overview reports but drill down into particular topics that warrant deeper investigation.  This requires various depth research methodologies and methods including academic, professional, and investigative reporting of information that is not widely known or available.  Depth reports are fact driven and draw upon research that is either original or less accessible to the public, or a synthesis of both.  The strength of the Depth Reports is the intensity of research orientation, and the quality of the research itself.  Depth reports are only available to member clients on a contract basis and can be customized to meet particular criteria.  Please contact us for more information about Depth Reports that will meet the needs of your organization.

Analysis Reports

Analysis reports are similar to and retain all the properties of Depth Reports but they add two unique and often critical components: interpretation and application of the research. This requires the distinct skillsets of trained and talented analysts, who are often personally, or working in collaboration with, location and subject matter experts. Friendships International Analysis Reports are highly credible sources of information and reliable for recommendations to decision makers at the highest levels.  Analysis Reports are customizable based upon the needs of the client member.  Please contact us for more information about Analysis Reports that will meet the needs of your organization.

Security Reports

Security Reports are Analysis Reports that contain content that is highly sensitive and requires special clearances to access. Researchers and analysts working on such projects also must meet particular criteria and follow specified protocols. Research methodologies and data safeguards must adhere to specific procedural and security standards. Each Security Report is unique to its purpose.  Please contact us for more information about Security Reports that will meet the needs of your organization.